
starting over

I've decided to make some changes to in the pale gloom. Some pretty big changes, in fact. The URL, title, theme, and amount of posting that I'll be doing on a weekly basis, for example. Why? I feel as if what I've done has been more of a blogging "practice," and I'm ready to get serious about it. I've already added a sponsors gadget, (thank you, lovelies!) which led to the decision of changing the blog around. I'd also like to attempt and design my own blog, HTML and all.

Here are a few titles that I've thought of:

miss sunday morning

hello, sunday

the maree bee

In case you couldn't tell, I'm a huge fan of Sundays :)

Let me know what you think, guys!


lucia m said...

good luck with the change!! always is good a chance! until you find yourself


Anonymous said...

I emailed you my comment:)

mary ann said...

well, I think your current design is super cool, but I'd love to see what you can come up with!

don't change your URL, though. bad things will happen.

i like the maree bee :)

Hayley said...

Oh my goodness, Miss Sunday Morning is such a darling name! <3

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